Hulu The Handmaids Tale
We partnered with Hulu to promote the first season of their flagship series The Handmaids Tale. Targeting a small group of early adopters and super fans of the novel by inviting them to a secret and private Facebook group. The response laid the foundation for a community that has since grown to over 1 million followers.
We sent Maidez kits, including a welcome letter from Elisabeth Moss, a custom shirt from the Vaquera fashion collective and a copy of The Handmaids Tale signed by Margaret Atwood.
Recipients could now access the private Facebook group with the personalized code provided. Joining the group gave them access to exclusive content including a video message from the cast and crew, first looks, art challenges, polls and even surprise giveaways.
More users were invited to join as the season progressed and the core group continued to grow. Relevant updates and news were released in a weekly newsletter.
Hulu opened the site to the public during the first season when the underground resistance story line emerged in show.
Within the first 4 months, (prior to the show airing):

An average of 1,120 active group members, of whom 45.14% engaged directly with the page.

The Facebook group received over 22,000 reactions and over 600 posts.

The Facebook page received over 432 million impressions, 30 million video views and over 5 million engagements.
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