Zulily Back To School
As an online discount retailer serving early stage moms, Zulily is constantly trying to stay relevant and meeting mom where she's at. One of the ways we accomplished this was through seasonal integrated campaigns such as our Back To School sale. I led an incredibly talented creative team that included art directors, photographers, designers and writers building the entire campaign from concept to completion.
 We understood that the beginning of a new school year can be a time of great anticipation and imagination — but with stressful moments for moms, particularly in times of economic uncertainty.
Our goal was to ease the tension of back-to-school budgets and to-do lists with amazing daily deals on the things the kids need, great savings on top brands, and playful creative that highlights the fun side of going back to school. We targeted our customers’ nostalgic feelings as they send their kids back to school by pairing class- and curriculum-related copy cues with visuals featuring warm colors and captured moments that feel like a memory.
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